First blog, here we go
Looking back at this past year, a lot of stuff happened in the news and in my life.
So many revolutions taking place, reminds me of some good ole 1800s action. The March tsunami that changed the lives of many Japanese families. Osama bin Laden was killed. It was hard for me to read posts, articles, tweets, etc that were happy that bin Laden had died. I cannot find it in me to be excited or happy when someone dies. Yes, he did terrible things and influenced others to do terrible things, but I cannot celebrate someone's death. The final space shuttle mission landed; the end of an era. Some of "the 99%" stood up to what they think was wrong with our current system. Finally, an official end to the war in Iraq. Should we have been there? That is up for debate, but the fact of the matter is that it is officially over.
Personally, my older brother got married to the love of his life (she's a real trooper) in a beautiful ceremony near Austin.
Most importantly, in my opinion, I proposed to the most beautiful girl I have ever met. She and I are the perfect fit for each other. She likes to say that God made one person, then split us up into two people. I don't know what I would do without her; she has had such a profound impact on my life. It's amazing how much one person can affect your life daily/weekly/monthly/yearly, etc. I just hope that everyone who is looking for love can have what my fiance and I have.
I'll have more profound blogs in the future, but it's lunch time!